Saturday, June 18, 2016

Why Do I Study? (life questions)

Some ask why do you study? with their spiteful and barely concealed disdained looks directed at me. I simply shrug and brush them off with: why not? after all, what is the point of life if you don't study and work your ass off for that little grade? they often make a disgusted face and dismiss my reply, going back to their sorely mundane lives as a social bigot preying on their parents' hard earned cash. But the answer is not as simply as that. I write to impress. I write to languish the professors with my words. To make them submit to me and make them think I am indeed someone that was "different" from the rest. Not your average dull thickheaded student that is wasting his/ her time studying a major that they have zero interest in. NO. I am not like them. I study, I work, I preview. I do all that shit. I do it so that when the time comes, I can prove myself to be above them. In the end, it is the only weapon I have. The only arsenal that I can wield against this system of injustice that reward those who often don't even open books and just win at life with their looks. I am not jealous of their lives. I am jealous of the way they can choose to let go and not feel guilt about not getting straight As. I guess I am driven by guilt and also by the desire to prove to the world that yes, I was special even though I may not be. This is why I study and that is all there is to it. The world still goes round after finals and time won't stop to congratulate me for overcoming this milestone. It is for my own satisfaction and for my parents' sake that I study. You needn't ask more...

Friday, June 17, 2016

Don Quixote: Man From La Macha (movie review)

At first, I couldn't believe that the professor was showing us a movie on the week before the imminent finals. The movie was Man from La Macha and I was striken by the sheer majesty and brilliant deliverance of this fantastic film. Even though it was made so long ago, the quality excelled all the shit chick flicks and nonsense action trash movies of modern twenty first century. The actors were superb especially Don Quixote and Dulcinea. I didn't know if they lip synced the songs (which they probably did) but it was the songs that made this movie come alive and I just can't get the lyrics out of my head. The two best songs are I am I, Don Quixote and of course eye roll, the Impossible Dream. How does one come up with such touching great lyrics? How does one create such art? Such beauty complied in words? Words are a source of salvation. We turn to them when we need to flee. They offer escape from the mundane and unbearable. They make us realize that we do have the power to bear with unbearable sorrow. I have always been a lover of words and I think that is the reason why I always find the urge within me to write something that can capture beauty's essence. Let us descend into the abyss of poetry. Let us bend and barter at word's song. Let us follow that quest.

Liars under the cherry tree (college years)

I wish we could
Stop living beneath grey skies of falsehood.
Our souls above stood
Looking on,
Under the blossoming tree of truth
As we groveled for the fruit
That could,

Grant us salvation from choosing to elude.

Night Ride (college years)

Shrouded in mist.
Through thin slanting sheet of rain,
Barely seeing blinking street lights,
Off and on,
High strung, wiping away tear stains.
On either sides of the wet pavement,
There were only orange glows,
Flickering off and on,
As if making a statement,
From another world.

Alone in black.
With wheels crunching down,
Splitting rocks and slicing ground,
Faster, pedaling oh! so fast,
To escape the wrath
Of that terrible loneliness
And its ability to drown.
In a dark winter’s night.